Ancient Forest Enhancement Project

Ancient Forest/Chun T’oh Whudujut Enhancement Project

The Ancient Forest/Chun T’oh Whudujut Enhancement Project goal is to develop recreation facilities and amenities in Ancient Forest/Chun T’oh Whudujut Provincial Park including new riparian wetland hiking trails, interpretive centre, sweat lodge, pit house, gazebo and improved accessible amenities such as boardwalks, pathways, washrooms, access roads, parking and signage.

The Ancient Forest, is a unique inland temperate rainforest located between Prince George and McBride on Highway 16 in British Columbia. Known for its awe-inspiring giant cedar trees, some estimated to be a thousand years old, the forest stands as a testament to the region’s biodiversity. Its significance lies not only in its rarity as an inland temperate rainforest but also in its role as a crucial ecosystem, drawing moisture from snow and showcasing the resilience of nature.

The Ancient Forest Enhancement Project aims to further elevate the forest’s appeal and environmental impact through three distinct segments. Firstly, the Boardwalk Replacement and Construction initiative focuses on ensuring visitor access while replacing existing structures with improved, environmentally conscious way. This includes phased construction and demolition plans, emphasizing protection measures for the existing Universal Boardwalk.

The second segment involves the Design and Construction of an Interpretive Centre, Sweat Lodge, Pit House, and Gazebo. This not only enhances visitor facilities but also integrates cultural elements, fostering a deeper understanding of the forest’s significance. The construction aligns with sustainable practices, incorporating self-serviced facilities, photovoltaic arrays, and ensuring minimal environmental impact.

This holistic enhancement project not only preserves the intrinsic beauty of the Ancient Forest but also ensures sustainable tourism, cultural enrichment, and environmental conservation. By implementing these improvements, the project aims to strike a balance between promoting tourism and safeguarding the delicate ecosystem, ensuring that future generations can continue to appreciate the wonders of this unique inland temperate rainforest.

Project Manager

Zawad Abedin

Project Coordinator

MD Sultanur Ashikin

Meet MD Sultanur Ashikin, a dynamic and enthusiastic individual who is embarking on an exciting career journey in the field of construction and project coordination. Ashikin’s background in civil and construction engineering, coupled with his eagerness to learn and contribute, makes him a valuable asset to the project team. As a young professional, he embraces the challenges and opportunities that come with the role, demonstrating a commitment to growth and development in the early stages of his career.

In his capacity as the technical communication medium for the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation, Ashikin uses his youthful enthusiasm to bridge the communication gap between stakeholders. His ability to adapt to new challenges and engage effectively with the contractor and engineering consultant showcases his dedication to ensuring the success of the Ancient Forest Enhancement Project.

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